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How to Record Video in SOLIDWORKS

The SOLIDWORKS' "Record Video" function can be used to capture the graphics area of the software in real-time. This can be helpful for documenting a workflow for a co-worker or demonstrating the motion of an assembly. 

If you are looking to create a video capture of SOLIDWORKS to document a bug or other problem with the software, please review the article linked below on how to create an RX Capture.

Rx Problem Capture Tool – Hawk Ridge Systems Support

If you want to create an animation of your model, you may want to use a Motion Study. We have more information on how this works in a blog post as well as SOLIDWORKS' documentation.
Creating Animations - 2024 - SOLIDWORKS Help
Making a Simple Animation in SOLIDWORKS (


Steps on How to Record Video

  1. With the desired file open, please select View > Screen Capture > "Record Video..." to open the video capture tool.

    Record Video Tool Location
  2. First, input the file name for the video you wish to create. If you want the video saved in a specific folder, please change the folder by the "Save in" option.

    Using Save in and File name fields
  3. Next, you need to pick a video file type. The file type that you choose is up to you, but some file types will include a series of images and not a video file. We recommend using an "AVI" or "MP4" file type as they are most commonly used and easy to open in other programs.

    Choosing File Formats
  4. Adjust the image size and aspect ratio used for the video. This can control the image size used to create the video. Normally, you can keep this as default. Next, set the frames per second. This number is up to you, but note when the FPS (frames per second) increases, the file size will increase.

    Changing Frames per Second and Image Size
  5. If you are exporting to an "AVI" format, you will have to select a compressor in the video compression window. Using a compressor will decrease the file size of the video. Feel free to keep this as default, but if you want to change the compression quality and key frame rate, you may need to use the "Microsoft Video 1" compressor. Select "Ok" when you are ready to capture.

    Video compression window settings
    Note: Using the Microsoft Video 1 compressor may cause problems with Windows 10's default media player as it is an unsupported format. You can use the Intel IYUV codec format or select a different file type instead.
  6. Manipulate the model as you wish. Once finished notice a toolbar for a video recording will appear in the top right-hand corner of the screen. To stop the recording select the bottom button. The top button is used to create screenshots.

    Location of Record Video Toolbar
  7. Once the video is finished you should see it in the specified file location.

Contact Us

For further technical support please contact Hawk Ridge Systems at 877.266.4469 for the U.S. or 866.587.6803 for Canada.

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