Setting Default Sheet Metal Body Cut List Descriptions

This article describes the process of setting up new default description values for sheet metal bodies in a cut list. The default description is set to 'sheet' and this is not exactly descriptive. We can actually change this value to anything we want, as well as create a link to the file custom properties.


Creating Custom Properties

In SOLIDWORKS, go to File > Properties. Here we can set up properties such as thickness, length, width, etc. Once the desired properties are set, we are ready to link them to the cut list description.




Setting a New Default Description

The description property for cut list items is actually controlled in the document properties. We will need to edit this setting and link it to the properties we want.

  1. Go to Tools > Options > Document Properties > Weldments. Scroll down to Sheet Metal Bodies Description and deselect the 'use default description' option. This will allow us to use our custom description.
  2. Edit the value of 'sheet' to whatever you like. When using a custom property value, input
    $PRP:"[Property Name]". This will pull the custom properties we set earlier. Note if updating an existing sheet metal part file, select the option to apply to existing and new bounding boxes.

  3. Select OK and confirm that the cut list now shows the new value for description.


Creating Custom Templates

If you would like to set this description value on multiple sheet metal part files, it is recommended to create a part template containing the custom properties and the description value in the document properties. This can be done by following the above steps on a blank part file and then saving it as a .prtdot file.


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