This article will help you get your machine to use your high-powered Nvidia graphics card instead of the power-saving intel on-chip graphics for SOLIDWORKS.
- In the new Windows 10 updated version, you can search from the Windows start button and type Graphics to bring up the Graphics Settings app. Open the app like this:
- Browse to SLDWORKS.exe like this: C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\ then SLDWRKS, it may show the .exe, it may not. That depends on a Windows setting, either way, select it.
- Click on the options for SOLIDWORKS, and select High performance:
- Save this setting.
When you reboot, your system should always choose the Nvidia card for SOLIDWORKS! For more information, please see this companion article: Computers with two graphics cards
For further assistance, please contact our Hawk Ridge Systems Support team at 877-266-4469(US) or 866-587-6803(Canada) and
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