Assembly insert has mis-match color compared to part

This article is a guide to help you fix the issue when the part that inserted into the assembly has a different color compare to the original color in part file, as shown in the pictures below. 


This is commonly caused by the lighting effects being different between the part or assembly, causing one file to appear brighter or darker than normal. This article goes over the steps to find which light is incorrect and adjust them so the part and assembly match.


  1. Within both the part and assembly go into the Appearance tab of the feature manager -> then into the Lights folder.

  2. Right-click and suppress one-directional light at a time until both the assembly and part file match. Sppress_one.png

  3. Once you find the directional light that is the cause of the mismatch in lighting right-click the feature and choose to edit the directional light.

  4. After modifying the light so the values in the assembly and part are similar click the green check-mark to save the change. After exiting the edit tool both the part and assembly should look similar. 2019-03-11_1057.png

If you find that none of the directional lights are the cause of the color mismatch, or you cannot edit them so the assembly and part appear correct, please contact Hawk Ridge Systems at 877.266.4469 for the U.S. or 866.587.6803 for Canada for further troubleshooting and help.

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