The purpose if this article is to go over the steps to correct the following error message when using the Hole Wizard tool:
This error is caused by the users permissions on the computer, or specifically the Hole Wizard Favorite's folder, not have high enough access to the folder to read/write to it. SOLIDWORKS requires full permissions to this folder in order to store Hole Wizard data.
Access the File Locations tab of the System Options by going into Tools -> Options -> File Locations. You can then change the drop-down for the "Show Folders For" to "Hole Wizard Favorites Database."
The folder specified in this location is the one you need read/write access to for the Hole Wizard tool to function normally. At times no folder will be specified so you can create a new folder in a desired location and add it then (the example in the picture is placed on the desktop).
Navigate to the folder with Windows Explorer that is listed in the system options, right click it, then choose properties. From here you can go into the Security tab to change the permissions. If System (and all other users) have Deny toggled on you will have to edit the permissions to allow full control.
Once the folder has proper read/write access for the user Hole Wizard information can be stored into it again and the error will not appear next time you use the tool.
If the error message still occurs or other hole wizard errors begin appearing, please contact Hawk Ridge Systems at 877.266.4469 for the U.S or 866.587.6803 for Canada for further troubleshooting and help. You can also contact us via email using our Hawk Ridge Support page.
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