By default, your Bill of Materials will show the model’s name under a category called “Part Number”.
There are times however, especially when importing files from a third party source, that this field suddenly becomes blank:
We would assume that this field is governed by the custom properties of the model being shown in the drawing file, however, in this case the custom properties do not affect this category. Instead this field is governed by the configuration properties of your model.
To access the configuration properties, open your part or assembly and click on the “Configuration Tab”. Once there, right click on the configuration that you wish to show in your drawing and click on “Properties”:
Once there, you can change multiple options such as the configuration name, the description of the configuration to be used in the BOM, but our attention is turned to the Bill of Materials Options: “Part number displayed when used in a bill of materials”:
Here, you can select to either specify a custom Part Number, use the configuration name as your part number, or use the document name. In this guide, we’ll focus on the “Document Name” option.
Once we click on the “Document Name” option, note how the field changes to match the name of the file at the top of the window. This means that the Part Number category of your BOM will display the file name of part, not the configuration name or a User Specified Name.
Going back to the drawing should now show the correct text in the Part Number Field:
How do I set "configuration name" as the default for BOM part number, so I don't have to do this for every component?
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