Moving Drawing Views To A Separate Sheet

Sometimes a drawing can be crowded with several drawing views, detail views, or section views. This article explains how to move any of these views onto a separate sheet.


Cut and Paste

1. Select the view you wish to move.

2. Press    on your keyboard to cut the view.

3. A prompt will ask you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes.

4. Select the sheet you wish to move the view to.

5. Press    on your keyboard to paste the view. The view will drop where your cursor is located. You can drag and move this view as you like.


Drag and Drop

1. Select the view you wish to move from the Feature Manager Tree.

2. Drag the selected view and drop it onto the target sheet. The pointer will change to  when it is over the sheet icon.

You have now successfully moved a view onto a separate sheet! 

If you have any questions regarding the information above or are unable to troubleshoot this issue, please contact Hawk Ridge Systems Technical Support at 1-877-266-4469  (US)1-866-587-6803 (CAN), or


Updated 9/6/2018 by Stephanie Rodas

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