Do I need to manage properties in CustomTools to use the batch print or convert tools?

No.  You can create a new empty profile, and set up batch conversion rules and batch print rules without configuring any model or drawing properties.  Follow these steps to create a new empty profile:

  1. Launch the CustomTools Administration tool.
  2. Select your database and hit Log In. (Default password for Admin is blank)
  3. Under the database name select "Profiles"
  4. Click "Create Profile..." from the ribbon menu, or from the righ-click menu.
  5. In the Wizard that appears hit Next.
  6. Enter a name for the new profile.
  7. Select "Empty" for the Profile Type.
  8. Leave "Set profile active" checked.
  9. Hit Next.
  10. Hit Finish.
  11. Hit Close.


You are now ready to set up your batch conversion rules and batch print profiles.


  • While you can edit most of the profile from the Administration tool by selecting "Profile Options..." you cannot create or edit batch conversion rules.  These only appear in the Profile Options initiated from within SOLIDWORKS.
  • You can run the batch operations from open documents in SOLIDWORKS, but you must import your existing SOLIDWORKS data into the CustomTools database to leverage the batch operations from the CustomTools Search.
  • Since you are not managing any properties in CustomTools, the search will only search file names of imported SOLIDWORKS data.

If you choose to run CustomTools this way, you will want to disable the prompts that appear when users try to save their SOLIDWORKS documents.  Follow these instructions to disable it:

  1. Open SOLIDWORKS and turn on the CustomTools add-in (if it isn't already).
  2. From the CustomTools toolbar select "Profile Options..."
  3. Select the "User Options" tab.
  4. Select the "File Operations" category.
  5. Check the box for "Don't show CustomProperties save dialog when performing Save or Save As.
  6. Hit OK.

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