This article describes how to resolve the following message that pops-up when attempting to start SOLIDWORKS: Standalone License File Failure
On SOLIDWORKS startup, a pop-up box appears with the error message "Standalone license file failure."
Background Information
This issue occurs when a temporary license file has been applied (sometimes incorrectly) and has expired without being removed.
Root Cause
If a temporary standalone license file has been applied, it needs to be removed before SOLIDWORKS can activate properly.
SOLIDWORKS automatically looks for a license file in the default location during startup, but due to legacy code from older versions, it checks other installation directories as well.
Options For Repair
1. First check the "C:\Program Data\SolidWorks" directory for any files with the extension ".txt" or ".lic". If any of these files exist, remove them from the directory.
2. Make sure you have set "View hidden files and folders" to "on," and refresh the view of the Program Data Directory. To do this:
- Open Windows Explorer, select "Organize," then "Folder and search options."
- Select the "View" tab, then click the radio button for" View hidden files and folders."
- Select the blue "Refresh" button near the upper right of the Windows Explorer window.
3. Finally, if you've verified that there is no license file in the standard directory, navigate to "C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SOLIDWORKS," and search for a license file in this non-standard directory. If the license file is present, remove it.
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