Insert a Picture into a Drawing for Company Logos and Flairs

For adding your company logo, special images for annotations, or other flairs, you can insert pictures into your drawing document and save it out as sheet format or a drawing template to become part of the company's standards. Insert picture support file types *.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.tif, *.tiff, *.wmf, *.png, *.psd.

Insert Pictures and Modifications

  1. In a drawing document, decide whether or not to insert the picture in a sheet format or directly onto the template: Which is Which? - Drawing Template vs Sheet Format in SOLIDWORKS – Hawk Ridge Systems Support
  2. Go to the Manu Bar, Insert > Picture
  3. In the Open dialog box, browse and select the image you would like to use > Open
  4. The Sketch Picture tool is automatically launched. In the PropertyManager on the left-hand side, you can adjust the origin, rotation, and the width and height of the picture through typing in the values, or you can use the edges and corners of the picture outline to drag, move, and adjust the picture in the drawing sheet. The Scale tool can also be used to scale the picture
  5. If you have inserted a file with transparency, use the transparency options to make the image transparent
  6. Once you are satisfied with the position and size of the picture, click the green checkmark in the PropertyManager to exit out of the Sketch Picture command
  7. If you need to modify the position and the size of the picture, double-click on it to launch the Sketch Picture command again
  8. Save out the sheet format/drawing template for future usage

Contact Us

For further technical support please contact Hawk Ridge Systems at 877.266.4469 for the U.S. or 866.587.6803 for Canada.

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1 comment
  • I'm trying to import a .PDF image into a drawing sheet but after creating the JPEG the image resolution deteriorates upon insertion. See if you can tell me how to improve on this method, please: I opened the .PDF with Adobe Acrobat Reader, zoomed way in and took a snapshot of the entire .PDF with the DPI set at 600. I then pasted the snapshot into Paint. When I zoomed into the new paint file, the resolution was still very sharp. I then saved the image to a .jpg (and later even tried a .bmp, and then a png) and tried to do a simple insert/picture of the saved file(s). The file(s) inserted, but the resolution deteriorated to the point where I ccould hardly read the text. Can you see another way to insert the .PDF image and still maintain the resolution. If you want to call to work over the phone, my work number is: 775-750-9405. Thanks - Vincent Carbone


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