Unable to Open SOLIDWORKS Electrical Project "Currently Opened by Other Users"

This article will guide you through freeing up a SOLIDWORKS Electrical project that claims to be opened by another user when it is not. 


To fix this issue, Follow the steps provided below:

  1. Make sure all users have closed SOLIDWORKS Electrical, and have saved their work. 
  2. Identify the computer acting as the collaborative server(this is sometimes on a shared server or can be the local client computer).
  3. Go to Windows Start > Services.
  4. Find the SOLIDWORKS Electrical Collaborative Server service.
  5. Restart the service by right clicking and selecting "restart" or in some cases "Stop" then "Start". This will kick off all users currently working on any project, so be sure everyone has saved their work before attempting this.
  6. Launch SOLIDWORKS Electrical and open the project again.


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For further technical support please contact Hawk Ridge Systems at 877.266.4469 for the U.S. or 866.587.6803 for Canada

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