This article gives instructions for changing the machine on which the SOLIDWORKS Electrical server components are hosted. Similar steps can apply when moving a standalone installation of Electrical from one computer to another computer regarding archiving the environment and then unarchiving the environment on the new machine.
- Install the SWE server components on the new server machine, following the server installation guide for your version. Refer to the article, SOLIDWORKS Electrical Installation: Start Here.
- Have all SWE users stop work and close their client applications.
- Launch one SWE client application that is connected to the old server machine and run through a full environment archive (File > Archive Environment). Note that this may take several hours depending on the number of projects and size of the library, so should be done overnight to minimize impact to users.
- Change the Application Settings (Tools > Application Settings) on this client to point to the new server machine. Note that the following fields must be updated with the new information(this is for a network installation of Electrical, this can be skipped for a standalone installation).
-Collaborative Server > Address: change this to the name or IP address of the new server.
-Databases > Application Data Folder: change this to the UNC path of the new shared SWE data directory.
-Databases > Server Name: change this to <name or IP of new server>\<name of new SQL instance> (e.g. NewElecServer\TEW_SQLEXPRESS). - Restart the SWE client to allow it to connect to the new server. When prompted, run through the Data Update Wizard to process the default databases.
- Unarchive the tewzip file created at step 3 (File > Unarchive Environment). This will add all the SWE data from the old server into the new server. Note that this process can also take several hours.
- Check that the projects from the old server are now showing in the Projects Manager and open one to ensure that the data for those projects is available.
- Update the Application Settings as per step 4 on all other SWE clients to point them to the new server.
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