Visualize Crashing after a New Installation

If your Visualize experiences issues with the viewport being black and crashes when you select in the viewport. This can be an issue with the prerequisite DirectX End-User Runtimes not being installed, or not installing correctly.



If you experience this crash, follow these steps:

  1. When the crash log is displayed, click on 'Copy to Clipboard'.
  2. Open Notepad, and paste the clipboard into this.
  3. Look for the following exact text:

'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException = "External component has thrown an exception."

Stack Trace:
at D3DPreprocess(Void* , UInt64 , SByte* , _D3D_SHADER_MACRO* , ID3DInclude* , ID3D10Blob** , ID3D10Blob** )
at SlimDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderBytecode.Preprocess(Byte[] shaderSource, ShaderMacro[] defines, Include include, String& compilationErrors)
at SlimDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderBytecode.Preprocess(String shaderSource, ShaderMacro[] defines, Include include)
at Bunkspeed.UDrive.Drawing.Shader.Manage.ShaderTextConstructor.HandleInitialize()
at Bunkspeed.UDrive.Drawing.Shader.Manage.ShaderTextConstructor..ctor(IContext context, IGlobalDrawingSettings globalDrawingSettings, IDeviceManager deviceManager, IDeviceContext deviceContext)'

If this is in the log please follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Close the Visualize application.
  2. Click the link below to download the DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)*.
  3. Right click on directx_jun2010_redist.exe and run as administrator.
  4. Extract files to a folder of your choosing.
  5. Right click the DXSETUp.exe and run as administrator and install the runtimes.

*NOTE: if you have a SOLIDWORKS DVD or FULL download, you do not need to download the runtimes. Instead, you can run 'DXSETUP.exe' from the ‘\prereqs\DirectX9’ folder of the DVD or download media.

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