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How to Run SOLIDWORKS as an Administrator

It may be necessary to run SOLIDWORKS as an administrator at times. If you're logged in as a user with admin rights, you can either launch SOLIDWORKS as an administrator for a single session or set SOLIDWORKS to always run as an administrator.

The Run as Administrator option in a right-click menu

Running SOLIDWORKS as an administrator can be used for a few purposes:

Steps to Run SOLIDWORKS as Administrator Once 

  1. Find SOLIDWORKS in the start menu.
  2. Right-click on SOLIDWORKS and select "Run as Administrator"

The button to run as administrator, seen when right clicking on SOLIDWORKS in the start menu

Steps to Always Run SOLIDWORKS as Administrator 

    1. Browse to the SOLIDWORKS installation folder. By default, the location will be C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks.
    2. Right-click on SLDWORKS.exe and select "Properties"

The right-click menu for the SOLIDWORKS executable, with Properties highlighted

    1. Go to the Compatibility tab and check "Run this program as an administrator"

The compatibility options in the Properties window for SOLIDWORKS, with the option to run an as administrator enabled

    1. Hit "Apply" and "OK" to save your changes. SOLIDWORKS will be run as an administrator until that setting is unchecked.

For further technical support, please contact Hawk Ridge Systems at 877.266.4469 for the U.S. or 866.587.6803 for Canada and


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