Forming a New Assembly from Existing Components

This article discusses how to form a subassembly from components already existing in an assembly.


Using the following method, allows one to choose as many parts in an assembly and combines them into a subassembly.

  1. Ctrl+select the components to group into a subassembly from the assembly feature manager tree

  2. Right-click on a highlighted component
  3. Select Form New Subassembly

  4. The outcome of Form New Subassembly depends on the Save new components to external files is disabled, under Tools>Options>System Options>Assemblies

    If Save new components to external files is disabled, then the newly formed subassembly saves as a virtual component within the parent assembly.

    If Save new components to external files is enabled, then the Save as dialog box appears.

    The new subassembly can be saved as its own assembly document by browsing to the new file location in the Save as dialog box, entering a File name, and choosing Save.

The selected components are now inserted into a new subassembly within the assembly file. 

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