Users are finding in SOLIDWORKS 2023 that the SOLIDWORKS Design Checker is inaccessible with a recurring 'Server Busy' error.
When trying to build checks in 2023, users are presented with the Server Busy error: "This action cannot be completed because the other program is busy. Choose 'Switch To' to activate the busy program and correct the program". Clicking the retry button does not yield any results for this error message, and the switch to option will cause either the same error message. All the options on the Welcome Dialog Box are inaccessible, and the program is unusable.
This error may also present itself with the script error "An error has occurred in the script on this page" with the error description "ActiveX component can't create object: DsgnChkBuilderLib.DsgnChkBuilder.2023" Choosing to continue running scripts on the page will either cause the error to reappear or repeat the original script error message.
By opening this program as Administrator you are able to resolve the security error in Windows so that this program is accessible again. Follow these steps to resolve this error:
Run SOLIDWORKS 2023 as Administrator by going to the Windows Start Menu, expand the SOLIDWORKS 2023 folder, and right click SOLIDWORKS 2023>More>Run as administrator.
- Open SOLIDWORKS Design Checker in the same session by going to Tools>Design Checker>Build Checks
- When Design Checker launches you will be prompted with the following Windows Security Warning. Select Yes on this dialog box
After these initial steps, you should now be able to launch SOLIDWORKS without running as an administrator. You may be prompted with the same Windows Security Warning when opening the tool. If this is the case, contact your reseller to be added to "SPR 1249268 : Design Checker welcome screen shows Windows Security Warning" so that you can be notified when a solution has been implemented.
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