[Visualize] “Monitor File”: Live-Updating your SOLIDWORKS Visualize Project with Changes made in CAD Model

SOLIDWORKS Visualize has a useful setting that allows your Visualize project to update any changes made to the imported CAD model. This is helpful in case design changes to the original source have been made after you have invested time and work into the Visualize project. There are two ways to activate it:


1. When you import your model at Projects > Model > Import Model and browse for a model, you can select the option “Monitor File” in the Import Settings window to activate the live-update. Note that if you choose “Appearance” as your Part Grouping, the option will be unavailable and greyed out.




2. You can still enable or disable Monitor File later on after you have imported the model. Simply navigate to your palette, select your Models tab, and expand section “Original Source” to enable or disable “Monitor File” accordingly.




When the source was modified and saved, switching back to Visualize will display the message below, providing you the choice to accept or decline the re-import:





If you have any questions on live-updating your Visualize project with the changes in your CAD model, please reach out to Hawk Ridge Systems Technical Support at support@hawkridgesys.com, 877-266-4469 (US), or 866-587-6803 (CAN).

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