UPDATING Guide for CAMWorks Floating File-Based Network License

Follow the instructions below to update an existing CAMWorks, CAMWorks Solids, CAMWorks ShopFloor and/or a NESTINGWorks floating network license. All licenses are generated by the developer, HCL Technologies/Geometric Americas, Inc. The “CAMWorks License Activation Guide” contains a more detailed list of instructions, which can be found by browsing and downloaded from www.camworks.com customer area (login required).

The below action items must be preformed to have your license reflect your update/add-on
purchase! Failure to do so will result in newer versions/service packs of the software to be inoperable.

This setup procedure has 4 steps, (1) Generate & submit the License Request File, (2) Activate the CAMWorks license on the host (server), (3) Verify the license (4) Confirm client communication. Follow the steps below.


Step 1 — Generate & submit the License Request File:

  1. On the computer (server) hosting the existing license, launch the ‘CAMWorks License Manager’ as Administrator. Right click and select— More then ’Run as Administrator’. If prompted a dialog box with the options of Wizard or License Manager, select the License Manager option.
    • While setting up or making changes within the ‘CAMWorks License Manager’ you must be running it as administrator!
  2. In the status tab, note your CPD Number.
  3. Navigate to the License Setup tab, verify the License Method is set to: “Floating Network Server”.
      • Note the displayed Host name. This should be the name of the computer that is hosting your license.
      • The Host name should also be what is already set in the Server Host Name field, at the bottom of the window. If it is not, you are most likely performing this task on a client/workstation computer, rather than the license server. If this is the case, please stop and perform this task on the computer (server) hosting the existing license.
      • Note the displayed HostID. This is the Physical/MAC Address of the computer the license will be generated to function on as the hosting computer (server).
      • If the displayed HostID does not correspond to the Physical/MAC Address of the computer, the generated license will be invalid and not function! If connecting to the computer that is to host the license via a remote desktop type connection; it is best to verify the displayed HostID matches the Physical/MAC Address of the computer to host the license.
  4. Navigate to the Server Settings tab. Depress the “Request Network Server License…” button. The license request form will appear.
  5. Verify the contact information. This information is used to verify purchase. The license will be sent to the email addresses specified. Check the box to approve the Privacy Policy.
  6. Note the specified port number. This will be needed when establishing client computers.
  7. Depress the “Open in Windows Explorer” button. This will capture your computer’s HostID, generate the License Request File (file extension .CWREQ) and save it in the path/folder where the ‘CAMWorks License Manager’ was installed. (The default location is C:\CWLicenseManager)
  8. The file extension will be .CWREQ and the name of the file should indicate the company name, Windows user profile name, and the type of license request (Server or Standalone)
  9. Attach this License Request File to an email and send it to: gt.register@HCL.com To help expedite the
    license, please specify your supplied CPD number in the subject of the email.
      • Confirm the License Request File is attached to the email. HCL-Geometric, auto-reads in this license file to generate the license file, that is encrypted to only authorize on the captured MAC address.
      • If transferring the license to a new computer, because of system crash or system replacement/upgrade please complete the online License Change Request Form at: https://camworks.com/license-change/
      • CAMWorks, CAMWorks Solids, CAMWorks ShopFloor and NESTINGWorks licenses are only created by the developer, HCL Technologies/Geometric Americas. Typically the license turn around time is 1-2 business days, however during peak volume times it could be an additional 4-5 business days. Should you not receive your license from HCL Technologies/Geometric Americas within 5 business days, please contact us at support@hawkridgesys.com. 
  10. Depress the OK button to close/exit the ‘CAMWorks License Manager’.

Step 2 — Activate the CAMWorks license on the host (server):

A representative from HCL Technologies/Geometric Americas, Inc. CAMWorks Licensing Department will send an email containing the license to the email addresses provided above. It is best to have the users temporarily close and exist CAMWorks, CAMWorks Solids, CAMWorks ShopFloor and/or NESTINGWORKS while updating the license. This process should take less than 15 minutes.

  1. When the license file (.lic) is received via email, save the license file into the location where the ‘CAMWorks License Manager’ was installed. Only the computer hosting (server) the license needs the .lic file. The default location is: C:\CWLicenseManger
  2. Launch the ‘CAMWorks License Manager’ as Administrator. (Right click and select— More then ’Run as Administrator’.)
    If prompted a dialog box with the options of Wizard or License Manager, select the License Manager option.
      • While setting up or making changes within the ‘CAMWorks License Manager’ you must be running it as administrator!
  3. Navigate to the License Setup tab. Set the License method to “FlexLM Software” & “Floating network server”.
  4. Verify the Server Host name. This is the name of the computer that is hosting the license; which in this scenario, should correspond to the name displayed in the Host name field.
  5. Specify the Port number. This needs to correspond to the port number entered during the license request file process. 
    • Note this server host name and port number. This info will be needed to configure the client computers so they can check out a license from this hosting computer (server).
  6. Navigate to the Server Settings tab. This tab is only used on the computer that is acting as the license host (server).
  7. Depress the “Stop License Service” button.
  8. Depress the Apply button, then the OK button. This will close and exit the ‘CAMWorks License Manger’.
  9. Launch the ‘CAMWorks License Manager’ as Administrator. (Right click and select— More then ’Run as Administrator’.)
  10. Navigate to the Server Settings tab. Depress the “Remove License Service button”. Depress the Apply button, then the OK button. This will close and exit the ‘CAMWorks License Manger’ again.
  11. Re-Launch the ‘CAMWorks License Manager’ as Administrator. (Right click and select— More then ’Run as Administrator’.)
  12. Navigate to the Server Settings tab. Depress the “Use this Machine as License Server” button, to activate the License Server settings options.
      • Server_Settings_tab.png
  13. For the License file path, depress the ellipsis button (…) to browse to the license file (.lic file) that was saved; where the license manager was installed— C:\CWLicenseManager
      • server_license_method_and_license_file_path.png
  14. Highlight the .lic file and click open. Then depress the “Install License Service” button.
      • install_license_service.png
      • It may take 3-4 minutes or so to install the service. Please be patient as it is running.
  15. Once available, depress the “Start License Service” button.
      • start_license_service.png
      • It may take 3-4 minutes or so to start the service as well. Please be patient as it is running.
  16. Once running the Status section should display: “License Service is running”.
  17. Click the Apply button.
  18. Navigate to the Status tab. Verify the Authorization status is prompting: Succeeded. Additionally, the License File Used should display the computer’s name hosting the license, with a license type of Floating, your CPD number and/or your CAMWorks serial number.
      • check_license_status_tab.png

Step 3 — Verify the license:

It is a good idea to review and verify the license modules, seat count, and dates.

  1. Verify the licensed modules and dates by navigating to the Authorized Modules tab. This will list all the information with respect to the purchased license, such as the modules it will activate, the seat count, the support (USP) expiry date, and the license duration. The License Duration should display: Permanent, for purchased licenses are perpetual.
      • The date displayed for the Support (USP) expiry date indicates that any version/service pack released prior to this date will license successfully. It also indicates the date when access to technical support benefits expires.

Step 4 — Confirm client communication:

  1. On a client computer, using CAMWorks, launch the ‘CAMWorks License Manager’ as Administrator. (Right click and select— More then ’Run as Administrator’.)
  2. Navigate to the Status tab. Verify the Authorization status is prompting: Succeeded.
  3. Verify the licensed modules and dates by navigating to the Authorized Modules tab.
  4. Click the OK button to close and exit the license manager.


If any issues occur, please try the below troubleshooting options...

  • Ensure the license manager is launched as administrator when configuring/modifying license settings.
  • Verify that the ‘CAMWorks Manager Version’ is the same on the server/hosting computer as the client computers.
  • Verify the Host Name and Port Number is specified correctly in both the server/hosting computer and client computers.
  • If Host name does not work on client computers, try to use the IP address of the server/host computer to connect the client and server.
  • Verify the license status is prompting succeeded. If prompting failed on the client computer, but succeeded on the server/hosting computer then a firewall security software is most likely blocking it.
  • Add firewall exceptions for: (1) lmgrd.exe (2) teksoft.exe and (3) CWLicenseManger.exe
  • From the client computer, ping the hosting server’s IP address & hosting server’s name.
  • Check the license duration date.
  • Check the Support/USP expiry date vs. the date required for each version/service pack of installed software.
  • Verify the Host ID on the server/hosting computer matches that computers Physical Address/MAC Address.
  • Verify the port number is correct.

For further assistance, please contact our Hawk Ridge Systems Technical Support team at 877-266-4469(US) or 866-587-6803(Canada) and support@hawkridgesys.com.


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