How to Retrieve Markforged Printer Logs

This article goes over the steps needed to download Markforged printer logs if they are requested by a support technician. Both online and offline printers will be covered in the following steps. 

Network Connected Printer

In order to download log files from a printer that is powered on and connected to a network, follow the steps listed below.

1. From anywhere in your Eiger account, select the printer list icon that is located on the top banner.



2. Once your list of printers appears, select the printer that you wish to download logs from. 



3. Selecting your printer will take you to the details for that system. On this page, select the button with the 3 dots in the top right, then the Download Logs option.



Non-Connected Printer

If your printer is not connected to a network, or if you do not have access to a browser that will allow you to perform the download steps listed above, you can manually download your logs directly from the printer to a USB stick. Note that Markforged printer logs can only be downloaded to a USB 2.0 drive. 

To manually download your printer logs, follow these steps: 

1. Insert your USB drive into the USB port of your system.

2. Select the USB icon that appears in the top banner of your printer UI. This will take you to the Storage area. Note that you can also access this same area via the Menu Icon > Storage.




3. In the Storage area, select the Save Logs option.




4. Your printer UI should show a Saving Logs screen once the above step is performed.




5. Once this screen clears, your logs should be saved to the USB drive, and you will be able to remove said drive from your system.

When you have retrieved your printer logs via either one of the above methods, forward them to the technician that requested them.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Hawk Ridge Systems 3D Printing Technical Support at:

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