CAMWorks How To Set Up a Custom Machine In The Technology Database


 Setting Up a Custom Machine

  1. Open the Technology Database and choose the corresponding machine you are trying to add. Be sure to select the correct units before choosing your machine.


  1. Select which type of machine you would like to create.


  1. Once you have selected your machine you will have two options.

          1. You can override the original OR

          2. Create a copy which will create a new machine


  1. In this example I selected option 2 which created a new machine. When I select on the Mill-Inch Copy, I can then select Default Machine to have that become my default machine. From here, you can go through and set up the parameters of your machine.

  1. Once you have filled out the machine parameters, you can then click Save and the machine name will update in the left-hand column.

 6. Close the Technology Database and open CAMWorks. Edit Machine Definition by right click or double click and you will see your new machine listed. Highlight your new machine and click the Select button to make that your active machine.


  1. Switch to the Post Processor tab, select the desired post, and press the Select button to choose the post. 


For a more detailed look please check out our YouTube video here.

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