In order to run an internal Flow Simulation study, there needs to be a fully enclosed volume. For the purposes of this article, the following model will be used.
Note that this is a shelled body and there are two openings. If an internal study is created from the current model, a warning message will appear saying that the model isn't watertight.
In order to create a fully enclosed volume, both openings will need to be closed off. To demonstrate the Leak Tracking tool, imagine that only one of the openings was closed off and we aren't able to find the second opening in the model.
The Leak Tracking tool can be found under Tools->Flow Simulation->Tools->Leak Tracking
The inputs for the Leak Tracking tool are one internal face and one external face. When the faces are selected and the "Find Connection" is clicked, a line follows the model geometry to connect the two faces.
The leaks can then be sealed, either by using the Create Lids tool or by manually adding in geometry to seal it off. The Leak Tracking tool can be run multiple times until no more leaks remain in the model.
If you have any further questions about the Leak Tracking tool, feel free to call Hawk Ridge Systems Technical Support at 877.266.4469 (US) or 866.587.6803 (Canada) or email us at
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