How to Reactivate a Renewed SOLIDWORKS Term License

Lock and Key image, License Activation

This article describes the process for reactivating a SOLIDWORKS Term license that has been renewed. It is broken into two sections: one for a Term license which is renewed using the existing serial number, and one for a Term license which is renewed using a new serial number.

If you are not sure whether or not your serial number is new, or have any questions, please contact Hawk Ridge Systems Technical Support. This is not a troubleshooting guide.

This document is only to be distributed and used by Hawk Ridge Systems customers. Any other use is prohibited.


Term License renewed under the same / existing serial number

Term License renewed with a different / new serial number


Term License renewed under the same / existing serial number

This section outlines the process for reactivating a Term License that is using the same serial number that it has been using. If you have a new serial number, please see the other section of this article.

Standalone License - Existing Serial Number:

  1. Launch SOLIDWORKS
  2. Navigate to the Help button (question mark with a circle around it)
  3. In the dropdown menu, choose Licenses > Activate

Standalone SOIDWORKS Term License Reactivation, Renewed License

  1. Follow the prompts to activate your SOLIDWORKS license.

Please see our dedicated guide on this process: How To Activate SOLIDWORKS Products – Hawk Ridge Systems

SolidNetWork License (Network License) - Existing Serial Number:

Reactivate SOLIDWORKRS SolidNetWork Term License, SNL, Network, Existing License

Please see our dedicated guide on reactivating / updating a SolidNetWork license here: How To Update a SolidNetWork License – Hawk Ridge Systems


Term License renewed with a different / new serial number

This section outlines the process for reactivating a Term License that uses a new serial number. This is typically the case for 3 month term licenses, but these steps will apply any time you need to activate with a new serial number.

Standalone - New Serial Number

  1. Modify your SOLIDWORKS installation: How To Modify A SOLIDWORKS Installation – Hawk Ridge Systems
  2. On the Serial Number page, remove the old serial number.
  3. Enter your new serial number.

SOLIDWORKS Standalone Serial Number Page, Modify Installation

  1. Proceed through the rest of the modification without making any other changes.
  2. Once the modification is complete, launch SOLIDWORKS.
  1. You will be prompted to activate the new serial number. Please see this page for details: How To Activate SOLIDWORKS Products – Hawk Ridge Systems

SolidNetWork License (Network License) - New Serial Number

This process differs based on the year version of your SolidNetWork License Manager Server installation (the license server application).

For whichever year version of the SolidNetWork License Manager you are using, once you get to the serial number input / selection area, remove your old serial number and replace it with the new one.

SolidNetWork License Manager Add or Remove Serial

  • This is steps 6-7 of the 2023 & newer version article, and steps 4-5 of the 2022 & older version article.

Then, continue with the rest of the modification until you are finished.

Finally, reactivate the license manager: How To Update a SolidNetWork License – Hawk Ridge Systems

Reactivate SolidNetWork License Manager

At this point, your SolidNetWork License Manager will be using the new serial number.


For further assistance, please contact our support team at, or 877-266-4469 (US) or 866-587-6803 (Canada).


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