Drawings are Slow to Save – SOLIDWORKS 2020 or Newer

Starting with SOLIDWORKS 2020, there is a new feature called "Detailing Mode" that's specific to drawings and can be very helpful for making simple edits to larger drawings. However, there are some scenarios that can cause the save operation to take much longer than expected in 2020 due to this new feature saving that additional detail mode drawing data.


Starting with 2020 SP4, SOLIDWORKS has added a System Option that can allow the user to disable this functionality during the save operation which can improve save times for drawings. This behavior impacts 2020 and newer installations. In 2022, the option is moved to Document Properties.

In 2020 and 2021:

Open SOLIDWORKS and go to Tools > Options > Drawings > Performance and uncheck the option "Include detailing mode data when saving". Close SOLIDWORKS and try the save operation again and it should be much faster.


In 2022 or Newer:

The option has been moved to Tools > Options > Document Properties > Performance that is accessible when you are in a drawing and for individual drawing documents. To maintain the change to this setting, you will need to save out drawing templates and use them for future drawings.


Saving Detailing mode data performance has improved in 2022 SP4 (See SPR 1194315).

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