Migrating PDM Server Components (including Upgrading versions)

This guide is designed to consolidate the tools and information necessary to perform an upgrade and/or migration of SOLIDWORKS PDM and its related components.


  • This guide does not include comprehensive information about performing a migration of an Archive Server Replica. Please contact Hawk Ridge Systems Technical Support for additional information regarding this process.
  • Before performing the migration/update, please ensure that users have checked in ALL of their files. If the PDM Vault Views are accidentally deleted or the cache is refreshed, ALL of the work done to the files since they were checked out will be lost.

Outline of Suggested Upgrade Path

  1. If also moving the License Manager, contact the HawkSupport team to request a temporary license file for the duration of your migration process and instructions on how to implement it. Otherwise continue to step 2.
  2. Follow the appropriate PDM backup procedure in the guide found here: https://support.hawkridgesys.com/hc/en-us/articles/203489953-EPDM-Backup-and-Restore
  3. If upgrading versions, install the new SOLIDNetwork License Server on new server and update the associated information on the clients SNL Manager and in the PDM Administration Tool.
  4. Install SQL on new server and install the existing year version of PDM on the new server, then migrate the vault from the old server to the new server. Then upgrade the server software to the new year version and update the database.
  5. Update all clients to point to the new PDM server and SNL server.
  6. Update SOLIDWORKS and PDM on clients.

NOTE: PDM Professional is backwards-compatible with the two preceding versions of SOLIDWORKS, however the PDM Clients' year-version must match that of the server. 


Initial Setup

Before beginning the upgrade, please check the system requirements for the SOLIDWORKS PDM version you are upgrading to. You can see the latest official system requirements at the link below:


Migrating the SolidNetWork License Server:

If the SOLIDWORKS License Server needs to be migrated, please see the following guide:


NOTE: If you're updating the license server, you can follow the steps in the guide above, but install the NEW version of the license server on the machine you're migrating to.

After following these steps to migrate the license server, you will need to update the License Server settings in the PDM Administration Tool:

  1. Open the PDM Administration Tool and login to the vault with Admin rights.
  2. Right-click on "License" and select "Open"mceclip0.png
  3. Under the Server List tab, select the old server and hit "Remove".
  4. Click "Add..." and then enter the new server's port and name in the format: PORT@SERVER_NAME (where the port is usually "25734", and the SERVER_NAME is the hostname or IP address of the License Server on your network). 



Migrating the SOLIDWORKS PDM Server Components

In order to migrate the SOLIDWORKS PDM Server Components, please consult the attached "Simple PDM Server Migration Guide" guide, and the "Moving Server Components to Another System" section of the attached "PDM Installation Guide" for your specific year-version.

NOTE: If you're also updating the PDM server components, you can install the updated version of the PDM server components on the NEW server, then migrate directly to that updated instance.

In order to update the registry information on the PDM Clients after migrating the PDM server components (re-linking them), please modify the attached "Update_Vault_Info_After_Migration.reg" file in your preferred text editor, then save, transfer and run it on each Client machine.

Updating the SOLIDWORKS PDM Server Components

In order to update the SOLIDWORKS PDM server components (Archive Server(s) and Database Server) in-place, please see our "Quick Steps for Upgrading the PDM Server" guide below:


Updating the SOLIDWORKS PDM Clients

In order to update the SOLIDWORKS PDM Client machines, you'll need to run the appropriate SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager on each machine, and select the SOLIDWORKS PDM Client to be upgraded.

This is typically included during the SOLIDWORKS upgrade process, which is detailed here:


For detailed instructions on just PDM client, refer to this guide:



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