Exporting PDM Archives

This guide is written for users of both SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard and Professional.

This is not a troubleshooting guide.  If you have any technical issues with SOLIDWORKS, please contact Hawk Ridge Systems technical support.


By using the "GetArchives 4.5" tool attached to this article, you have the option to collect and package the physical files in your vault. This type of collection is typically performed in more advanced troubleshooting settings, when the issue either affects a particular file-set, or cannot be replicated without their presence.

Please download and unzip the .zip archive attached to this article directly on the Archive Server machine. Follow the instructions found in the Word document contained in the .zip archive.

If the file is less than 20mb, you will be able to attach it to an email when you contact support or reply to a support email. If the file is over 20mb, it can be uploaded to SendSafely widget found here: https://support.hawkridgesys.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Note: Please fill the form out manually. Do NOT use auto-fill.

Alternate tool: If you do not have .Net Framework 2.0 enabled/installed on the server download and use"GetArchives_4.5_Net4."

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