When using PDM View Setup, sometimes you will get the message Attached; Missing Information and be unable to select the vault view you want to add to your computer. This article will guide you with troubleshooting the error.
Reasons for message:
- You already have a vault view on the computer and need to re-establish a connection with it
- You have an old registry entry from an incorrectly removed vault view
- You have both an old registry entry and folder from an incorrectly removed vault view
You have two options for troubleshooting:
Reattach the Existing Vault View
Use these steps to keep using your existing vault view by reconnecting with your PDM server.
- Open the Windows Registry Editor and search for a ShellRoot registry entry under the following keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\Applications\PDMWorks Enterprise\Databases\[VAULTNAME]
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SolidWorks\Applications\PDMWorks Enterprise\Databases\[VAULTNAME]
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks\Applications\PDMWorks Enterprise\Vaults\[VAULTNAME]
Be sure to check all three locations. If the ShellRoot key exists under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, it should not exist under HKEY_CURRENT_USER but should be under both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE locations. - Access the ShellRoot location shown in the Data column of key.
You may see a vault view folder with the PDM Icon next to it:
You may see a yellow folder with the vault's name:
You may not see any folder: - If you see a vault view folder with the PDM icon next to it, you can reattach the view.
If you see a yellow folder or no folder, skip to the section Update the Registry and Create a New Vault View. - Open the PDM Administration tool and log into your PDM vault.
- Right click the vault name and select Explore.
- You should be taken to Windows File Explorer and be prompted to log in.
If you are not prompted to login, check for an Offline key in the registry and make sure it is deleted or set to 0. The Offline key is located under: KEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\Applications\PDMWorks Enterprise\Vaults\<vaultname>
Once that key is deleted or set to 0, retry step 5 from above. - Log into the PDM prompt.
- You should now see your PDM folders in your vault view.
Update the Registry and Create a New Vault View
Use these steps to remove old registry and folder data before creating your new vault view.
- Open the Windows Registry Editor and search for a ShellRoot registry entry under the following keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\Applications\PDMWorks Enterprise\Databases\[VAULTNAME]
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SolidWorks\Applications\PDMWorks Enterprise\Databases\[VAULTNAME]
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks\Applications\PDMWorks Enterprise\Vaults\[VAULTNAME]
Be sure to check all three locations. If the ShellRoot key exists under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, it should not exist under HKEY_CURRENT_USER but should be under both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE locations. - Access the ShellRoot location shown in the Data column of key.
You may see a vault view folder with the PDM icon next to it:
You may see a yellow folder with the vault's name:
You may not see any folder: - If you see a yellow folder or no folder, you will use the rest of these steps.
If you see a vault view folder with the PDM icon next to it, please scroll back up and use the steps under the section Reattach the Existing Vault View. - If the yellow folder exists, please either delete or rename the folder.
If you believe you had files checked out in that view, Rename the folder. This way you can retrieve your last saved versions and get them into your new view. - Once the old folder is renamed or deleted, you should return to the registry keys that contained the ShellRoot entry.
- Open the Windows Registry Editor with Administrative permissions (right click > Run as Administrator)
- Backup the Registry Key containing the ShellRoot entry by right clicking > Export.
- Delete the ShellRoot entry. If ShellRoot was under both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE entries, please delete from both locations.
- Use View Setup to create your new vault view.
For further technical support, please contact Hawk Ridge Systems at 877.266.4469 for the U.S. or 866.587.6803 for Canada and support@hawkridgesys.com.
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