SOLIDWORKS PDM Local Vault View File Explorer Settings

The view settings (details, list, small icons, large icons etc.) in Explorer are controlled by Windows. To set an Enterprise vault view to use a specific view type, do as follows:


Option A - Set same folder view type to ALL folders on the drive:

  1. Exit Enterprise PDM from tray icon (right-click, exit)
  2. Open Windows Explorer, select root (c:\) of the drive containing the vault view
  3. In the Views menu, select view type to use
  4. In the menu bar, select Tools, Folder options. (On Windows 7 and Vista you may have to press the ALT key to show the menu bar)
  5. Select the View tab. Under Advanced Settings, uncheck "Remember each folder's view setting" (not option in Windows 7)
  6. Press the "Apply to Folders" to apply view setting to all folders
  7. Close the folder options dialog.


Option B - Set Enterprise vault view to different view type than local folders on the drive:

  1. Browse to the root of the vault view
  2. In the Views menu, select view type to use
  3. In the menu bar, select Tools, Folder options. (On Windows 7 and Vista you may have to press the ALT key to show the menu bar)
  4. Select the View tab. Under Advanced Settings, check "Remember each folder's view setting" (not option in Windows 7)
  5. Press the "Apply to Folders" to apply view setting to all folders
  6. Close the folder options dialog

(Note: This option may require a restart of Windows Explorer to finalize changes)


For further assistance, please contact our HawkSupport team at 877-266-4469 (US) or 866-587-6803 (Canada) and



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