Adding the complete search card to the vault


What is the complete search card?

The complete search card is a powerful tool that can be used for a multitude of searches, including identifying which files a user has checked out, searching for specific variable values, locating all files in a particular workflow state, and much more.  

How can I tell if it is installed in my vault?

When a default vault is created, the complete search card is automatically imported.  You can check if the vault already has the complete search card installed through the PDM Administration tool.  Log into the vault through the administration tool, expand the Cards node, and then the Search Cards node.  



How can I add it to the Vault?

If you do not see the Complete Search card in your vault, we can add it fairly quickly.  In the PDM administration tool, right click on the Cards node and select Open Card Editor.  


In the card editor window, go to File>Import.  Browse to the PDM installation files.  By default, this location is C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS PDM\Default Cards.  For the English version of the complete search card, select all(Search Complete)_gb.crd


After importing the search card, be sure to give permission to use the card to users or groups.  


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