PDM search returning files with old information


Sometimes, when searching for files that contain specific information, you may see some files returned that don't currently contain the information you're looking for.

This can happen if there is a check box associated with the "Search Previous Versions" variable (as seen on the default Complete Search card).



This variable is enabled by default and can cause files to be returned if the information you're looking for was in any of it's past versions.

To fix this, you can either remove that field from the search card, or change it to disabled (unchecked) by default. If you would like to change the default behavior, you can find instructions for setting default values in search cards Here.


If you have any questions regarding the information above, please contact Hawk Ridge Systems Technical Support at 1-877-266-4469  (US), 1-866-587-6803  (CAN), or support@hawkridgesys.com.

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