Setting default values for Search Cards is a little different from what you may be accustomed to seeing in File Cards. In Search Cards, you don’t set the defaults per field on the card. Instead, you can set a default for each variable you are using on the card.
You can use the following method for setting the default values in your Search Card.
Open the search card you want to modify from the PDM Administration tool
If you are unsure about the variable associated with the field you want to set the default for, you can highlight that field in the card and check the variable name in the Properties pane
To set the default value, select Card > Default Values
In the Default Values window, click the first cell under the Variable column, and select the variable you want to set the default value for
After selecting the variable, click the first cell under the Value column and enter the value you would like to be default (in this example, a 0 for a checkbox field defaults it to unchecked)
Click OK to close the Default Values window
Back in the Card Editor, save the card
Users may need to close out of the vault view and browse back in before they see the changes.
If there are any issues please contact Hawk Ridge Technical Support for additional assistance.
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