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Eureka License Server Installation

Eureka Logo.png

This article addresses how to install Eureka network license on a server computer.

Software Requirements

  1. Windows 7 or later with Microsoft.NET Framework 4.5.
  2. Network connection.
  3. The computer that the Eureka License Server is installed on must be able to reach:
    • The Eureka License Server authenticates with the above address every 30 days.
    • If the Eureka License Server cannot reach the Eureka Server, the Eureka License Server will lock. If this occurs, contact Eureka at


If Behind a Firewall

  1. You will need to configure the firewall to accept incoming and outcoming connections with the Eureka License Server’s port.


Installing the Eureka License Server

1. Open

Open application.png

2. Allow app to make changes to your device

Allow app to make changes.png

3. To select language, click the drop-down arrow and select a language

Select a language.png

4. Click install.

Click Install.png

5. If prompted, select automatically close the applications and select next

Automatically close the applications.png

6. Click finish.

Click Finish.png



Configuring the Eureka License Server

1. Open the Eureka License Server application.

1 Open license server.png

2. Click stop.

2 Click Stop.png

3. Open the Configuration window.

3 Open Configuration Window.png

4. Use the drop-down arrow to select the language.

4 Use drop down arrow.png

5. Select Network Interface from the drop-down menu. This is where the service will listen for incoming requests.

5 select network interface.png

6. Address is automatically detected.

6 Address is automatically detected.png

7. Set Port and Monitor Port (Default values are shown). You can change them.

7 Set port and monitor port.png

8. Set Timeout (s) and Timeout Keep Alive (s). Defaults are shown, you can change them.

8 Set timeouts and timeout keep alive.png

9. Set Serial from the drop-down menu. Choose the type associated with your license of Eureka.

9 Set serial from menu.png

10. Select Use proxy and fill in the address, port, username, and password if your system is behind a proxy.

10 Select use proxy.png

11. Select the path to the License File. Eureka recommends that you create a folder on the C drive called Eureka License.

11 Select the path for the file.png

12.Click Apply.

12 Click Apply.png

13. Click OK in the dialog box that pops

13 Click OK in dialog box.png

14. Click OK in the Configuration dialog box

14 click OK in config box.png

15. Click OK in the dialog box that pops up.

15 Click Ok in new dialog box.png

16. Click Start and minimize the License Server. As long as the License Server is running, you will be able to run Eureka. If Eureka cannot find a license on start up, make sure the License Server is running.

16 Click start and minimize the license server.png

17. What the Eureka License Server should look like when it is running.

17 What license server should look like.png


License Upgrade

1. Stop the Eureka License Server by clicking the stop button

Stop license server.png

2. Put your new license in the Eureka License folder in the C drive.

Put your new license in license folder.png

3. Click the Configuration button

Click the configuration button.png

4. Click the “..” button and select your new license file. You will need to reselect the file even though the new file may have the same name as the old file.

Click the two dots button.png

5. Restart the service and run Eureka normally.



For further technical support, please contact Hawk Ridge Systems at 877.266.4469 for the U.S. or 866.587.6803 for Canada and


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