This document outlines the process to setup a shared EDM post processor to include the cutting condition file (if available). The wire EDM post processing environment is unique and does not follow the typical milling and/or turning machine structure in CAMWorks.
There are two format versions from the CAMWorks install; one set of files represent the 'current' version and the second is for 'previous' construction. The primary difference is the cutting condition database formats. The 'current' version utilizes the SQLite style database (.cwdb) for the cutting conditions whereas the 'previous' version utilizes an MS Access database structure.
Recommended steps:
1. Move the following files to the desired shared location.
a. Wire EDM post processor file (.pst)
b. Associated Cutting Condition file(s) (.cwdb, .ecc, .sagcc, .sbcc, .mkcc)
c. Associated auxiliary post files (.pstinfo, .Custom2Axis, .Custom4Axis, .CustomSettings)
d. Hole Popper post processor file (.hpst)
2. Copy the following files to the desired shared location.
a. WireEdmPostExe.exe
b. MachineSetup.bin
3. Close all sessions of SOLIDWORKS / CAMWorks Solids.
4. Start the EDM Machine Setup utility. This can be found in the Windows Start menu under the CAMWorks[version] folder.
5. Within the Machines tab, switch the Selection type to Select and use the Select File button to browse to the file named MachineSetup.bin in the shared folder location and select the file. The file path will update in the utility UI.
6. If the machine make and model do not exist in the selected .bin file, then follow the instructions to create new machines found in the document Wire-EDM_Tutorial.pdf. The document is located through Windows Start Menu > CAMWorks[version] > EDM Tutorial.
7. It is recommended to periodically select Save to ensure the modified information is getting applied and saved to the .bin file. You can also utilize the Save Defaults option to create a backup file of the current .bin file. The backup filename is saved as MACHINESETUPBACKUP.WDFLT.
8. Within the Setting tab of the EDM Machine Setup utility, ensure the machine information is correct.
9. Point to the desired post processor file located in the shared location.
10. Point to the desired cutting conditions database file located in the shared location.
11. Select Save to update the information in the .bin file. Select Save Defaults to update the backup file with the latest parameter settings.
12. On other client computers, start the EDM Machine Setup utility and use the Select option to point to the .bin file located in the shared location.
13. Start SOLIDWORKS / CAMWorks Solids, enable the CAMWorks Add-in and confirm that the EDM information is properly referenced.
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