Inspection crashes on start up

If you are having issue opening SW Inspection and are on a Dell Workstation. This article covers an issues that is being caused by Dell Backup & Recovery. 

There is a known conflict between Dell Backup and Recovery versions less than version and Windows applications that use Qt version 5 dynamic link libraries (DLLs). SOLIDWORKS Inspection uses Qt version 5 DLLs.

If you use a Dell computer with Dell Backup and Recovery, one of these two options might resolve the issue.

  • Option 1:
    Upgrade Dell Backup and Recovery to a version or later, and then restart the computer.
  • Option 2:
    Uninstall the Dell Backup and Recovery application, and then restart the computer.

For more information, read the following posting in the Dell Community website:

For further assistance, please contact our HawkSupport team at 877-266-4469(US) or 866-587-6803(Canada) and

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