1450 Error is actually an Error from the Moxa Device Driver which means that the Moxa hardware lost power or network connectivity.
The most common reason is that the Moxas are powered from the CNC machine and they have turned off the CNC machine. With wireless
you could also get this if the access point is down.
Error 1450 is a Microsoft Error that a resource you are trying to use is not there.
In this case it is Moxa that is supplying the comport. So yes the moxa is offline.
What causes the error 1450 on a Moxa wirless deviice?
Check the power supply on the Moxa. If the electrician pulled the wrong wires from the cnc machine the RS232 port may be fried.
This message is the result of an IP address change or conflict.
Corrective action:
Download the Moxa Nport Search Utility
I could not find the device using the IP address…but we re-assigned the moxa to
A different IP address and it appears to be functioning properly.
The Moxa search utility found 2 of the 17 device had conflicts ….both were corrected.
Moxa 1450 insufficent resources returned on Send To CNC.
Microsoft update forced a reboot and the Moxa Nport was set to DHCP, hence the comports to old IP address were incorrect.
Reassigned to new IP address and forced the config to be Static IP address assignment.
Moxa Wireless - 1450 insufficient resource
moxa nport wireless drivers in a xp 64 computer. I use the comport hsm terminator dnc gives error 1450 insufficient resources is
displayed in the status screen. The std comport terminator says unable to open comport.
Ping the wireless access point and see if it is up and running. If not go and power cycle it on the wall out in the shop. Also once
you do that cycle the power on the devices and give it about 15 mins.
If the Predator DNC software is up as a application you can also just start and stop the machines and then you should be able to
see them.
1450 Error is actually an Error from the Moxa Device Driver which means that the Moxa hardware lost power or network connectivity.
The most common reason is that the Moxas are powered from the CNC machine and they have turned off the CNC machine. With wireless
you could also get this if the access point is down
Moxa Wireless - 1450 insufficient resource - Workgroup
Failed with 1450 [insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service]
DNC system on a Non Domain computer is trying to open a Wireless COM port through a Domain WAP.
The Wireless device can be pinged successfully.
Nport Windows Driver Manager successfuly sees the device.
Device manager shows the com port as installed.
The DNC system should be running on the same domain as the WAP for the protocol chain to open.
a 1450 error means the Device is not online or the IP associated with the COM Port is wrong.
Open the Nport Windows Driver Manager and make sure the IP address is correct for the COM Port you are trying to use.
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