Adding Quick Access Toolbar and Keyboard Shortcuts in SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic

This article describes how the commands in SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic can be assigned to quick access buttons and to keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow.


In SWE, the Quick Access Toolbar is located at the very top-left of the window, next to the round SWE icon. Commonly used commands can be placed here, saving you from having to change tabs to locate the command. Keyboard shortcuts can also be assigned to commands, allowing you to work with the keyboard and mouse simultaneously.

To access these customizations, open SWE, click the drop-down arrow next to the Quick Access Toolbar, then click More Commands.


Quick Access Toolbar Shortcuts

1. Click the Quick Access Toolbar tab, then use the Category drop-down to select the menu containing the command for which you want to make a shortcut. Note that the categories in this list correspond to the currently shown tabs, so to show commands associated with schematics or line diagrams, you will need to first open a drawing of that type.

2. Select the command from the list on the left, then click the >> arrow button to add it to the Quick Access Toolbar list on the right. Use the << arrow button to remove items.

3. To bring the Quick Access Toolbar even closer to the SWE working area, enable the option Show Quick Access Toolbar below the Ribbon.


Keyboard Shortcuts

1. Click the Keyboard tab, then use the Category drop-down to select the menu containing the command for which you want to make a shortcut. As with the Quick Access Toolbar tab, you will need to have a schematic or line diagram open to show commands for those drawing types.

2. Select the command, highlight the Press new shortcut key field, then press the key combination you want to use. Check that this is correct, then click Assign.



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