Display Scale Issue with Solidworks 2015 and Windows 10

Starting in 2016, all aspects of the Solidworks user interface respond to the Microsoft Windows display scaling setting. In Solidworks 2015, only certain elements of the user interface respond to the Microsoft Windows display scaling setting. A mismatch of scale can cause overlap in the user interface that makes it difficult to use the program.

To avoid this issue, the scaling setting should be set as low as possible in Windows 10. To access the scaling settings, right click on your desktop and select "Display Settings". This menu can also be accessed through Start>Settings>System>Display. In the display settings menu, there is a slider labeled "Change the size of text, apps, and other items." It is recommended that this is set to 125% or lower.



If you still see issues with the user interface after changing the slider, it is recommended that you upgrade to Soildworks 2016 or 2017 in which the scaling is improved.

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