Missing SolidWorks Utilities Tools

The SolidWorks Utilities add-in provides useful tools to examine and compare SolidWorks files.  If the tools are not appear, this may be caused by an unregistered .dll file.  Please follow the steps below:

1. Open a command prompt by going to Start->All Programs->Accessories, then right click on cmd.exe and run it as an administrator.

2. Type in "regsvr32 ".

3. Open up Windows explorer and go to C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\sldutils

4. Click and drag the SwLoaderSw.dll into the command prompt and hit enter. The syntax should appear as below:

regsvr32 "C:\ProgramFiles\SOLIDWORKSCorp\SOLIDWORKS\sldutils\SwLoaderSw.dll"


If you have any questions regarding the information above, please contact Hawk Ridge Systems Technical Support at 1-877-266-4469  (US), 1-866-587-6803  (CAN), or support@hawkridgesys.com.

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