Creating Custom Ducts or Rails in SolidWorks Electrical

This article describes how to create a custom rail or duct in SOLIDWORKS Electrical.

These steps are valid for both Ducts and Rails.

  1. Create a new part
  2. Define the profile sketch of the rail or duct as desired and create the extrude
  3. In the configuration, tab rename the default configuration to EW_CONFIG               
  4. Rename the extrude depth dimension to EW_DEPTH


  1. Rename the Extrude feature to EW_EXTRUDE


These steps are valid for both Ducts and Rails. Once the new part has been created, they can be inserted into the SolidWorks Electrical assembly as follows:

  1. Right-click on location in the Electrical Manager in SOLIDWORKS Electrical 3D->Properties and then Parts->Add Manually.
  2. You must provide at least a value for the Part field.
  3. Under Illustration, click in the 3D part field and browse to the newly created Rail or Duct part.
  4. Choose a Manufacturer or create a new one.
  5. Click in the Class field and choose the appropriate class, either Rail or Duct under Boxes, cabinets.
  6. Set Width, Height, and Depth values minimums are 35, 3, and 3, respectively, and then click OK.

This will add the new part to the Electrical Manager:

  1. Right-click the new part->Insert (Do not choose Insert as Duct or Rail) and then place the new part
  2. The length of this part can now be modified using "Change length of Rail or Duct."

For further assistance, please contact our HawkSupport team at 877-266-4469(US) or 866-587-6803(Canada) and

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