Error: The document does not meet the conditions of any category/workflow.

A very common error is encountered when trying to check in new file types into the vault. The error will look something like this: 



You will see this exact error if you have not added a specific category for the file type you are trying to enter. In order to resolve this, you will either need to edit your existing category to include the new file type, or add a new category, and then assign it to your intended workflow.


You can edit your categories by doing the following:

1. Log into the your Vault in the EPDM Vault Administration tool.

2. Under your Vault, click on the arrow next to "Categories," and viewing your existing list of categories. If you want to edit an existing category, skip to step 4.

3. To create a new category, right click on "Category" and select "New Category." Give your Category a name and click "OK."

4. To edit a Category, right click on the specific Category you want to edit, and click "Properties." From here you can add specific conditions. In order to add a condition based on file type, click on "New." Under the heading "Type" click on "Click here to change..." and select "Filepath." Scroll to the right and change the Argument to "%.(extension)" where (extension) is the file type you want to add. (For example to add PDF documents you need to add "%.pdf" to the Arguments)

5. If you are editing an existing category and adding more than one file-path, you will want to make sure that you add an "Or" condition to the Category, or it could break your in place Category. Multiple file-path conditions can then be dragged into the "Or" folder which will allow the Category to function, as it will then only need to meet the condition of one of the defined file-paths. Click "OK" when you are done. This should allow you to check in the file. If you are adding a new Category, skip to step 6.

6. After adding a new Category, you need to assign it to the intended workflow. You can do this by expanding "Workflows," right-clicking on the workflow you want to add the Category to, and selecting "Properties..." This should bring up a window similar to the Category window. Click on "New" to add a new condition, and then change the "type" to "Category." Scroll to the right to change "Argument" to the newly created Category.  Click "OK." This should allow you to check in the file.

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