Save Assembly as an eDrawings file crashes SOLIDWORKS in 2017 SP3

There is a known regression in SOLIDWORKS 2017 SP3 with regards to saving eDrawing files. If you attempt to save an assembly as an eDrawings file, either through the File > Save As or Publish to eDrawings command, it will cause SOLIDWORKS to crash. This issue is being addressed by SPR 1024994 by the SOLIDWORKS development team.


At the moment, the workaround for this issue is to open eDrawings, load the native SOLIDWORKS file, then perform the save option within eDrawings to save the part.


If you are experiencing this issue, please email us at and we will add your name to this SPR. This will both increase the priority for the development team to resolve this issue and add you to the list to be notified when the fix has been implemented.

If you want to check the status of the SPR, follow the steps below:

1) Go to
2) Input your email and password then click sign-in.
3) Click on the Knowledge Base link under the My Support section.
4) Enter 1024994 into the search field and hit the Search button.

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