DraftSight 2017 SP3 users have reported activation errors after clean installations of the software. After the installation is complete, the activation window appears. Clicking the “activate” button causes the window to disappear, and nothing happens. The expected behavior is that another window pops up, saying that an email has been sent for you to finish the activation.
The issue is being caused by Draftsight not finishing the creation of a couple of registry keys. To fix this issue, please complete the following steps:
1. Open registry via Regedit
2. Browse to the following entry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SWActivation\K2
3. There should be a string (REG_SZ) called Software/office/editor/versionII/Ready open it and copy the data value.
4. Now create two more string entries called Software/office/editor/versionII/Green and Software/office/editor/versionII/Loop
5. For both of those new string entries, paste the data value from step 3 in both string values from step 4.
6. Open Draftsight. You will be prompted to activate, just enter your information as you would normally. If you have activated it prior, it will just crash after you click activate. When you reopen, it will open normally and be activated. If this is the first time, then it should say that it has sent the email, and then it will crash when you click ok. Just wait for the email, and when it has arrived, and you finished the activation, then you can open Draftsight again, at which point it will work correctly.
If these steps do not resolve your issue, please contact our technical support team for further assistance.
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