Required Ports for Photoview 360 Network Rendering

When attempting to perform a Network Rendering operation in Photoview 360, make sure that you open the ports in your firewall for all computers in both Inbound and Outbound Rules. You can access the firewall rules by going to the Control Panel -> System and Security -> Windows Firewall -> Advanced Settings.

Once there, create a new Inbound rule by clicking on "Inbound Rules" and then clicking on “New Rule” in the right hand menu column. Select the Port radio button (shown below) and click the Next button.



Photoview 360 Network Rendering requires UDP Ports 5353, 52967, and 59268 in order to function correctly. Input these port numbers into the specific local ports text box and click Next. 



On the next screen, ensure that the radio button for "Allow the connection" is enabled and click Next.



After the “Action” screen, makes sure that the next “Profile” screen has "Domain", "Private", and "Public" checked on. Click Next, then name the inbound rule appropriately for ease of access in case you need to edit the rule later.

Once the Inbound Rule has been successfully created, repeat these steps in the Outbound Rules section of the Firewall Settings.

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